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Saturday, March 22, 2008

Locally grown foods and our lower valley

Our lower valley agriculture depends upon over 70 miles of irrigation canal that starts at the ASARCO plant, literally a stone's throw away from Asarco's stormwater containment ponds. That water (and the river) provides over 60% of our City's drinking water. It is also growing our local food.

How many cities allow toxic waste to be burned right on their water supply? How many communities quietly ignore toxic waste contamination on top of their drinking water? How many communities have doctors (off-the-record) tell pregnant women not to drink the water but do not take action to find out why the babies have fused skulls, missing heads, missing brains, missing livers, missing pancreas, heart defects.....???

How many people, how many communities live in the FEAR that we do, to ask questions and demand truthful answers? How many are like us, and talk only to family and friends and never never ever in the open?

Hijacked Future

Friday, March 21, 2008

Dioxins in cheese

our El Paso regional dairies are located on I10 NW of the Asarco smelter in the reach of the historic plume - to this date NONE of our environmental agencies have reported the ASARCO dioxin levels to the public. A new dairy has recently been opened in McNary TX, over 50 miles away.

Toxin scare hits mozzarella sales

"Toxin scare hits mozzarella sales
By David Willey BBC News, Rome

Sales of mozzarella cheese made from buffalo milk have been hit by a contamination scare.

Eighty [water] buffalo herds in the Naples area have been quarantined on suspicion that their milk may contain dangerous levels of dioxin.

The animals grazed on land where toxic industrial waste may have been illegally dumped by criminals.

The local Mafia - called the Camorra - have been making huge profits by dumping toxic waste in the region.

Tiny fraction

Production of buffalo mozzarella - one of Italy's most famous delicacies - has been hit by the dioxin scare.

Government laboratories are analysing milk samples taken from some 2,000 herds of buffalo which graze near Caserta, just north of Naples.

Government inspectors and scientists have cautioned that only a tiny fraction of Italy's total buffalo-milk production is affected by the quarantine orders.

They say that consumers would have to eat huge quantities of mozzarella cheese over a period of many months for the higher than normal levels of dioxin to affect their health.

But Italian consumers seem to want to take no risks, and sales of Neapolitan mozzarella cheese have declined by nearly 50% in recent weeks, according to farmers' associations."

No mention of the Toxic Waste... why Not??

Letters published in the Times

"El Paso Times - El Paso,TX,USA--Juan Garza / Central El Paso"Particulates from Asarco linger

Asarco has operated an air-monitoring system in El Paso, which demonstrated that sulfur emissions carried cancer-causing metals like arsenic, cadmium, lead and zinc into the communities surrounding the smelter.

--Juan Garza / Central El Paso"

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Hmmm, what aren't they telling us about the TOXIC WASTE??

New El Paso TCEQ Regional Director's experience includes being an ARMY Platoon Leader carrying out decontamination procedures.

I hope that she remembers that she is not in the military now; and, that her marching orders ultimately come from the taxpayers/community under civil law (Honest Services provision of the mail and wire fraud act).

Monday, March 17, 2008



Asarco restart could be lengthy (6:32 am)

Las Cruces Sun-News - Las Cruces,NM,USA
By Brandi Grissom / for the Sun-News AUSTIN — Jimmy Dominguez and Lorenzo Arias are eager to get their jobs back after being laid off from Asarco nearly a ...