Blog shown in web view. Mrs. Mcmurray 's obtained proof Asarco smelter poisoned El Paso TX through what the EPA & US DOJ said was illegal burning of illegal hazardous/radioactive wastes 1991-98. (see 73 page 1998 conf. for settlement purposes only DOJ EPA Asarco doc,10/06 nytimes) We have never been told what actinides, forever chemicals, dioxins etc are present from illegal Asarco actions.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Apparently ignoring ASARCO's multi-state non-permitted secret hazardous-waste disposal operation (1992-1998) ... Steelworkers Union/attorneys reach work agreement
Tucson, AZ Tucson based ASARCO LLC President and COO Manuel Ramos announced today that the Company and the Unions representing employees at five Asarco ...
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Steelworkers Union and Asarco reach tentative agreement
announced the company and the Steelworkers have reached a tentative
agreement. According to the union, both sides have agreed to extend the
existing wage package for another two years through June 30, 2013.
ASARC0 has 2,267 full time workers at its five operating copper
facilities in Arizona. Locally, at its Hayden Smelter and Hayden
Concentrator in Gila County along with the nearby Ray Complex in Pinal
County, the copper company employs 1,350 persons of which some 250 live
in Globe-Miami"
Wed. June 22, 2011