"Asarco AG
Usteristrasse 11
8001 Zürich
Lageplan | Nachbarschaft
CHF 100'000
Eintrag ins Handelsregister:
Rechtssitz der Firma:
Zürich (ZH)
Übersetzungen des Firmennamen
Asarco Inc.
Asarco SA
Asarco AG Usteristrasse 11 8001 Zurich Layout plan | Neighbourhood Status: actively Legal form: Corporation Principal one: CHF 100' 000 Overview Entry in the Register of Companies: 30.09.1988 Right seat of the company: Zurich (ZH) Translations ["other"] company names of the Asarco Inc. Asarco SA"
"Company Asarco AGhttp://www.edoceo.ch/en/asarco_ag_CH02039018381.aspx
Translation Asarco Inc.
Asarco SA
CH NUMBER CH02039018381
ADDRESS Usteristrasse 11 8001 Zurich
Company state Active
Legally form Joint stick company
Capital CHF 100 ' 000
PUR-float Financial transactions of all kinds, switching and execution of financings, practice of trust functions and thus coherent services as well as execution of consultation and expert's assessments; can take part in other enterprises as well as properties, patents, rights and licenses acquire, hold and sell.
This company into the commercial registers Show (on-line CR summary)
Commercial register in load RC OF the CAN clay/tone Zurich
Climb DATE Category Publication
26 4.9.2006 Commercial register
Mutation Asarco AG, in Zurich, CH-020.3.901.838-1, financial transactions, corporation (T/plate No. 167 from 31. 08. the 1998, P. 5999).
New ADDRESS: Usteristrasse 11, 8001 Zurich.
Issue No. of 23523 OF 29.08.2006 (3532938/CH02039018381)
SOGC publication (pdf file)
100 31.8.1998 Commercial register
Mutation Asarco AG, in Zurich, financial transactions, corporation (T/plate No. 141 from 25. 07. the 1997, P. 5311).
People deleted or signatures revoked: Beltracchi, Angela, of Basel, in upper confining rings, member, with single signature.
Peoples registration new or modified: Haberthür, Urs, of width brook, in upper confining rings, member, with single signature."
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