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Saturday, March 20, 2021

FOIA # to request the 6 EPA disks


Medal 1995 registered at LIMIT of residentially allowed radioactive radiation 2 mS


Credit Suisse 1 of 2 lead managers


includes accounts at the former institution Schweizerische Kreditanstalt, which later became Credit Suisse

List of 12,000 Nazis, Swiss bank accounts found in Argentina

By Don Jacobson

"March 5, 2020 at 2:33 PM

Investigators said the list includes accounts at the World War II-era institution Schweizerische Kreditanstalt, which later became Credit Suisse. File Photo by Ennio Leanza/EPA-EFE

March 5 (UPI) -- A list has been discovered in Argentina that includes names of thousands of former Nazis and their Swiss banking accounts that may have held stolen profits from German appropriations during World War II.

The records were found in a Buenos Aires building that was formerly a Nazi headquarters, officials said.

The U.S.-based Simon Wiesenthal Center, which has for years tracked down members of Adolf Hitler's Nazi Party, said it has received the list -- which contains 12,000 names, and some are believed to have deposited ill-gotten monies into what's now Credit Suisse bank.

The Wiesenthal Center said Monday it asked for and was given the list by Argentine investigator Pedro Filipuzzi, who discovered the papers at the building in Buenos Aires.

The find is considered significant, as the pro-Nazi Argentine government that took power during World War II destroyed evidence of the party's activities that had been compiled in the 1930s by the anti-Fascist government of Argentina President Roberto Ortiz. The bank papers were part of the evidence collected by Ortiz before his administration was overthrown in 1943.

At that time, at least 1,400 members of the German National Socialist Party were living in Argentina, along with thousands of supporters and members of front organizations.

Investigators said the list includes accounts at the former institution Schweizerische Kreditanstalt, which later became Credit Suisse. The Wiesenthal Center said it suspects at least some of the money in the accounts was looted from Jewish victims in Germany and is still held in dormant accounts.

The Wiesenthal Center said it contacted Credit Suisse Vice President Christian Kung about accessing bank archives "to settle this matter on behalf of the diminishing number of Holocaust survivors."

Bank officials pointed to an investigation in the late 1990s that concluded it and other Swiss banks compiled "as complete and exhaustive a picture as possible" of the accounts of the victims of Nazi persecution, but said it would examine them again."


Comment to "copper stain" book interview


Comment: by mcmurray

"Google "asarco secret document

The authors were kind and gave me a copy of the book, and mentioned me as getting a document from US EPA.

Actually, after tedious unpaid months of work in 2006, the TX OAG contacted the US DOJ who then speedily got me a copy of the secret 73 page EPA ASARCO US DOJ 1998 "confidential for settlement purposes only" document. TO THIS DAY the government has not released the invoices listed in it to me, the local cleanup trustee or anyone

I fought years later to get all the USEPA documents that had remained hidden in CO. The US EPA REGIONAL DIRECTOR gave the over 20 boxes of documents to me after 2008. (Anyone can file a foia request for copy of those searchable disks!!!!). Hidden in the middle of a 500 page file of many documents was the ****1994 encycle whistleblower report.*** We had never seen it before. You can search for the link to it in my blog -as a reporter was kind enought to write about it.

It is great to see good information and stories documented in this book "copper stain"; but, frustrating that neither author had training in science research so some of the facts got lost, or changed by no fault of theirs

Only one worker spoke up in 2005 at the air permit hearing. One. The workers now regret it as they see how Asarco abandoned them: many to slow agonizing unusual deaths normally associated with toxic waste exposure.

As a former asarco supervisor of the steam electric plant said, he regretted it all when he watched children play in the dirt. All his staff was dead. He had illness. The water that ran thru that plant had been run hard thru a water distillation purification unit that failed to keep up. So when that water steamed it caused some toxins to turn into vapor. The supervisor said not to touch the pond that held that water--- or any of the ponds.

Later that uit caught on fire. Afterwards neithe EPA, tceq, the cleanup trustee--- no one would allow me to bend down 3 ft and double bag an official sample of that tiny scintillating piece of slag from the fire. That piece of slag contained the necessary link to economically protect our region from what happened/protect the workers. NO ONE BACKED ME UP. And more interesting, none of the government or clean up guys wanted to walk on that dirt--- they stayed way back on the pavement

I feel for the parents of the children born at county hospital with major organs missing, who had livd along the river in the 1990's downwind and downriver from the contop furnaces altered to run more stuff thru by asarco.

Parents mourn deaths of their babies from causes like that, forever and might blame themselves trying to wonder if baby would have survived had they done something differently.

I hope that any parent who experienced that back then will not punish themselves because such birth defects can be stringly associated with industrial chemical exposures."

God bless those babies in heaven, the nursing staff who remembered them and the families who lost the babies to lack of a brain, a liver, a spleen or worse, dying an agonizing slow death.

It has been 20 years. On this coming mothers day if just one mother realized she could not have done differently/not her fault, that would be a blessing.