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Saturday, September 7, 2013

Asarco Aldrich calls explosion "Mishap"

Is Asarco still a U.S. DOE high level radioactive waste disposal contractor?  Did Asarco "clean-up its mess from encycle/elpaso/hayden/colorado to build a "duplicate" haz-waste disposal operation now out of Hayden?  How on earth could they turn themselves away from that easy money that the U.S. DOJ and EPA described Asarco had made from its illegal incinerations of the 1990's? When those illegal wastes are burned they cause explosions (even in clean-ups, in el paso).   The company burned the wastes so hot and fast through their new CONTOPs in 1992-3 that they had to rebuild it.  Sound similar........Without the split samples the El Paso community asked for (never got) how will truth -- scientific truth EVER come out for the workers in Hayden... Corpus Christi, and, here?  

"Asarco's Hayden smelter shut after mishap September 06, 2013 17:01 CDT HAYDEN, Ariz. (AP) -- A mishap at copper miner Asarco LLC's Hayden smelter damaged the plant and will shut down operations for about a week as repairs are made. Asarco vice president for environmental affairs Thomas Aldrich says molten metal broke out of the side walls of the flash furnace at about 4:30 a.m. Friday. The molten copper hit nearby water pipes, triggering a series of explosion-like concussions.


Thursday, September 5, 2013

The Paisano TX State Route 62 route that authorities want to build an 800 million$ elevated toll road over --- that is poisoned land. TCEQ has published a picture showing how the poisons from Asarco travel underground right beneath the cracked water canals, Paisano, old smeltertown, right to the Rio Grande the entire length of the Asarco property. To build the new highway requires drilling pylons deep into this contamination every 20 or 30 feet, and about the same distance down. This will expose workers to gases that can't be smelled, that are KNOWN to cause M.S.. I had told the people responsible for this project YEARS ago, face to face, that it was poisoned there and communities would suffer. They did not care. AT an MPO meeting, where Norma Cavez supported me, Chairman Rep. Pickett said "He would hold ASARCO's feet to the fire". Pickett never did. During the 2005 Asarco air permit hearing, a conservative kind businessman said to me, "You have the best interests at heart but are naive. Senator Shapleigh and those folks have no intention of really cleaning up Asarco -- all they want is the land". Eight years later we can see what is the truth of it. The love of money governs this whole mock-Asarco "cleanup", and the building of a toll highway where the poor will drive below, with the trucks and the poisons. Entire neighborhoods will be affected by this. Our water supply, now under new County control, will be affected by this. The poisons not only run under the ground at the beginning of the huge Hueco aquifer, but are on our mountains and lands --- those living within the EPA 3 mile zone get the worst exposure (even with Asarco closed); then those within 9 miles get the worst lead (Pb) exposure (including radioactive lead); and experts predict the worst to have contaminated out to 30 miles (1000 square miles) -- including radioactive particles. The smallest particles would have stayed in the skies for weeks, traveling hundreds of miles at least. This highway should not be built. WHEN will our news agencies wake up and start reporting on what the common person already knows, but the average middleclass worker who barely has time for the Newspaper and TV News, is totally unaware?
New law requires County of El Paso to run Water Improvement District elections by Alberto Tomas Halpern // August 16, 2013 // Government "A new law set to take effect on September 1 will require the El Paso County Water Improvement District #1 (EPCWID) to contract with El Paso County’s Elections Department to run its elections. In addition, the new law, Senate Bill 856, authored by state senator Jose Rodriguez, mandates that the water district maintain a website and make available online: campaign finance reports for each elected board director, meeting agendas and minutes, archived video and audio for each meeting, the water district’s budget, and any audits of the district. The water district already maintains a website, but the minutes, budgets, audits, and campaign finance reports are not currently available online...."