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Monday, August 9, 2010

Incorrect Asarco Bankruptcy Powerpoint for U.S. EPA HQ, OECA/OSRE,Superfund Symposium,Indianapolis, Indiana,August 10-12, 2010

To:  Mr. Elliott J. Gilberg, Director Wa. D.C. EPA Office of Site Remediation and Enforcement
Fr:   El Paso TX
sb:  Asarco Bankruptcy Powerpoint for U.S. EPA HQ, OECA/OSRE,Superfund Symposium,Indianapolis, Indiana,August 10-12, 2010

Mr. Gilberg,

Your powerpoint leaves out the EPA-DOJ Asarco Confidential-for-Settlement-Purposes-only document in which the EPA proved ASARCO illegally burned secret (unmanifested) hazardous-wastes deliberately for profit for nearly ten years here in El Paso TX and also E. Helena  MT.

I would like to know why you did not let conference attendees know about this massive almost-decade-long burning of illegal wastes from both military and industrial sources - this proof was released by the DOJ in 2006 (see NYTIMES 10/2006) and now is in the public domain after eight years of secrecy.