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Monday, June 25, 2007

Letter to the Editor, El Paso Inc. sent 2/12/07 to Editor and EPWU Attorney Andron

Thank you for the article and photo about the repair of the old upper American canal's broken panel, showing the Jobe Concrete truck pouring cement for the new panel, near the American Dam (established by International Treaty for the delivery of waters to Mexico and the USA). http://www.elpasoinc.com/showArticle.asp?articleId=971

We know from the IBWC's reports that 24 million dollars worth of hazardous waste is in the soil beneath those panels right there. Some of it is odorless and tasteless. We know from the EPWU's water reports above and below that buckled-panel that it is leaking into that water still flowing past the feet of those men, who are now exposed to it. Those men are not wearing masks, most are not wearing gloves -- no one is wearing white environmental suits. Some of those men will wash their clothes at home or in commercial laundromats, and family members (maybe pregnant wives or growing kids) will handle the contaminated clothing.
We know that between mid-March and mid-October that El Paso will get its drinking water from this canal; and, that contamination still leaks
through the old-joints and the weep-holes into the canal where ground-water touches the liner. The contamination will pass along over 70 miles of agricultural irrigation canal. The farmland below Asarco has been called an "arsenic time-bomb" in at least one research paper.

Our community knows that Asarco burned illegal hazardous waste for nearly a decade just a stone's throw away from this liner. Smeltertown, in the background of this photo on the EP Inc., had 18 inches of soil removed nearly 40 years ago, for just the Pb (lead) content alone.

The panels in that old canal were made over 70 years ago of 3 inches of concrete laid over re-bar, just like in that photo - and layered in two directions. They should be made of 4 inches of reinforced concrete. This is a patch-job it appears, and the rest of the 3 miles and 400 or so panels are still in danger of failing. The panels' failure was predicted years ago.

The State Department in spring of '05 reviewed the various IBWC sites and said that the employees at American Dam next to old-smeltertown were sick, and that they were not getting independent medical review from this region.
How long will our regulatory agencies responsible for our well-being continue to conceal its conflicts of interests from this community and pass along the responsibilities to the next generation--- "pass-the-buck", in cancers, lead exposure, arsenic trioxides and actinide exposures?

Heather McMurray
El Paso, TX

Radioactive metal smelting plant

Metal smelting plant was taken at its word

Although Sosnovy Bor authorities have withdrawn a suit banning the import of radioactive metal waste into the town, Ekomet-S, the importer of that waste, has agreed on its own to cease such imports for the time being, though the company says it doesn't want to hold off forever. Rashid Alimov, 22/07-2002

On July 31st, St Petersburg's Court of Arbitration will be again considering the suit filed by the authorities of Sosnovy Bor against Ekomet-S.

At the previous arbitration session, which was the second, Sosnovy Bor authorities withdrew one of their suits.

The radioactive metal smelting plant Ekomet-S is situated on the premises of the Leningrad Nuclear Power plant (LAES), only few hundred meters away from the shore of the Baltic Sea shore and four kilometres from Sosnovy Bor's 60,000 inhabitants. The closed nuclear town itself is located 80km from St Petersburg.

The plant was built secretly and without an environmental impact study, which is required by Russian legislation.

The facility, which is devoted to the smelting and decontamination of radioactive metals for resale on the open market, was built by the Ministry for Nuclear Energy — the notorious Minatom — and fissile fuel monopolists hoping to cash in on the smelting of radioactive metal waste from nuclear power plants across Russia. Gazprom-bank invested $10m in the project.

The very fact that a private plant is located at the territory of the state-run LAES may be considered a violation of the current legislation. In late 2001, a group of LAES security guards published an open letter in which they claimed that since the opening of the smelting plant, they had been exposed to radiation. Their contracts, they noted, had not stipulated they would be working in conditions that exposed them to radiation hazards.............