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Monday, June 25, 2007

Sick 'Em, City of El Paso!: Going After Asarco,,by Chris Cummings

Posted on June 21, 2007

If (a big “IF”) anyone could remediate the wasteland around the Asarco plant one day (see Asarco bankruptcy and the multi-millions they already owe to dozens of states around the country), or even today, what role will Asarco play in the clean up? They’ll leave a tip on the table and say ‘Thanks, we had a nice meal here for a hundred years, but we are finished.’ They won’t ask for the tab. They will dine and dash. But as a courtesy, as a nod to the working men and women (whom they will one day employ…and abandon), whom they now have working for them, spinning the benefits of the reopening because their union has worked out a deal (see United Steel Workers [USW] Union’s full page ad(s) in the El Paso Times over the past few months), for you my friends, they will eventually leave unemployment and heartache (I’m not even going to get into the health consequences.)..........

Asarco Rubber Lake breaking on 9/4/06 pouring 200,000 gallons of concentrated poisons and storm-water into the old american canal. The canal is our drinking water- it is pulled into a 48" pipe into the Canal St. Water Treatment plant and then the plant pumps the water up the mountain to distribute it throughout El Paso.