Dear TCEQ:
Not everyone and not all offices at the TCEQ are complicit in the cover-up. It is time that the honest people in the TCEQ (and in the EPA) removed the dishonest ones so that we can get to the bottom of the problem here in El Paso regarding contamination from Asarco.
We know that a cover-up was committed. We are in the process in El Paso of approaching several county and a district attorney regarding the criminal actions of Asarco in the burning of secret toxic wastes for profit (sham-recycling). Someone is responsible in the TCEQ and in my opinion your legal departments, instead of replying to me and committing further cover-up, should be investigating the responsible parties within the environmental regulatory agencies and removing them from their position(s).
Asarco is gearing up activity here. Sierra Blanca sludge-land has been purchased by the Texas G.L.O. and is slated to begin accepting sludge again, in the middle of endangered Chihuahuan desert and impoverished mexican-american peoples. Someone in the TCEQ and in the EPA has the knowledge to stop the lies and the ill-gained profits that happened here within Railroad District 8; and to stop using us as a test-case to remove environmental liabilities from a polluter who knowingly used us for toxic-waste disposal.
We need honest disclosure of what metal is present here that has been covered up-- it was knowingly smelted here against the La Paz accord. Your attorneys at one time were aware of what it was, since they argued over whether or not Asarco should pave surfaces for six years or simply let the toxins trickle down through the dirt. We are tired of being a dumping ground and tired of being poisoned. It is the TCEQ's responsibility to know what contaminants are here and let us know.
Thank you,
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Please explain no answer to either TCEQ filing: TCEQ failing to enforce identification and cleanup of contamination from illegal burning of toxic waste by Asarco El Paso
Date: Tue, 17 Jul 2007 15:54:49 -0500
To: <>,<thornton.wood[at]>, "WWW - OPA" <OPA[at]>, "Terry McMillan" <TMCMILLA[at]>
CC: <David.Edmonson[at]>
Ms. M
We are coordinating a response to your questions with our Office of Legal Services. I am expecting a response to be forwarded to you by the end of this week. Let me know if that doesn't happen, and I'll check on it again. Thank you.
[no signature given from the TCEQ Complaint-email-address]
07/13/07 1:35 PM
I have not received a reply to this email and it has been over 12 business days.
Please explain the delay. thank you,
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: TCEQ failing to enforce identification and cleanup of contamination from illegal burning of toxic waste by Asarco El Paso Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2007 23:41:06 -0600
To: TCEQ complaint Fr: Heather McMurray, El Paso TX
sb: TCEQ failing to enforce identification and cleanup of contamination from illegal burning of toxic waste by Asarco El Paso
I am filing this as a formal complaint asking the _TCEQ_ to run a full spectrometer analysis of the material dredged from the bottom of the 100 year old Asarco pond and sent to TX US ecology for storage, with the purpose of identifying the chemical compounds left here from the illegal sham-recycling by Asarco. I also ask that a full spectrometer analysis be done of the present-bottom of that same pond at the Asarco site and where the most runoff would have contacted soil during the 9-4-06 collapse of Asarco rubber lake. Also, please run an analysis from a scraping of the Asarco primary smoke-stack; and from the Ionics brine concentrator's concentrate chambers. This analysis should include ash-incineration-technique to check for alpha and beta particles.
High level officials in the TCEQ and the EPA are violating honest services provision of the mail and wire fraud act by:
* failure to identify and enforce cleanup of the toxic poisons incinerated/stored by Asarco El Paso from its subsidiary in Corpus Christi, TX.
* _pretending to carry on a legitimate permitting process on the El Paso Asarco smelter while continuing to ignore that this site has NOT BEEN DECONTAMINATED from the burning of these wastes_
* failure to identify the wastes left here from this incineration/handling
* failure to explain the resulting health effects to the community
Public officials have known that these toxins are now in our water, the alluvial sediments and aquifer. The TCEQ is failing to continue metal testing of the river below Asarco saying it "isn't necessary any longer". The TCEQ is failing to identify the toxins left in our water supply from the decade of illegal Asarco sham-recycling.
Blog shown in web view. Mrs. Mcmurray 's obtained proof Asarco smelter poisoned El Paso TX through what the EPA & US DOJ said was illegal burning of illegal hazardous/radioactive wastes 1991-98. (see 73 page 1998 conf. for settlement purposes only DOJ EPA Asarco doc,10/06 nytimes) We have never been told what actinides, forever chemicals, dioxins etc are present from illegal Asarco actions.
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