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Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Rep. Reyes to speak Saturday Morning Aug. 18 (will take questions)

"Channel 15 Time Warner Cable Sundays at 7PM also available at http://www.elpasotimes.com/election "...
....  "U.S. Representative Silvestre Reyes will be our guest speaker this Saturday.  He will speak concerning the Border Security Conference....  Forums are every Saturday from 8-9am at the Pearson Law Firm 214 W Franklin.  (across from City Hall)  They are free and open to the public and media....  joe oliva"

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

City of El Paso moves environmental monitoring to Dept. managing Dumps

On Monday, August 13, 2007, in a special meeting at the County Courthouse, the City and County voted to turn Health services over to the City and to have the City move the Environmental monitoring from Health Services to the Dept. that handles the City Dump. 

Cities who have MD's/Health Dept. covering environmental monitoring (instead of the SOLID WASTE managers handling it):

New York City
LA (a whole separate environmental monitoring division) solid waste reports TO the EMD in L.A...
Norfolk VA