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Monday, August 20, 2007

"clean-up" of Anapra (where are the EPA?)

Anapra "clean-up"?

Another telling of the Tale: The Emperor's new Clothes

(The emperor and his court tell us what to believe, and despite what we know, we play along and say, "there is no toxic waste"... and "doesn't our region look so cleaned-up?")


ASARCO cleaning up in Anapra : ANAPRA, N.M. - Residents in the Anapra area are waking up to some cleaner yards because ASARCO has begun cleaning up lead and arsenic contamination. ....... As far as what is being cleaned up, ASARCO released this statement: "The clean up is being conducted under the direct supervision of the EPA. The material being removed and disposed of is not classified as hazardous waste and scientific studies show that there is not an imminent health impact to the community.".......