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Sunday, October 14, 2007

The stuff is too toxic for the entire state of New York... Alabama objects... Sierra Blanca TX objects... New York needs to keep their wastes in New York State...

Alabama objects... Texas (and likely Synagro ... now owned by "CARLYLE GROUP", who has shares in Grupo Mexico/Asarco) wants to dump it on the poor in Sierra Blanca (next to El Paso) AGAIN (where is our TEXAS Agricultural Commissioner???):
"Last week I wrote that Alabama deserves better than to become the nation's cesspool after residents in Limestone and Lauderdale counties complained of a terrible odor emanating from free fertilizer used on local farms.  The fertilizer was treated human waste from New York and apparently smelled much worse than a pig barn or chicken operation -- and those are pretty darned bad.

It looks like Mr. Clean paid a visit in the person of Agriculture Commissioner Ron Sparks who met with Synagro representatives and worked out some new guidelines for human waste fertilizer in Alabama. ...."I feel that we have to either clean up the process or stop the process altogether," he said. "It is my intention to work with the company to help them correct any mistakes that have been made. We will continue to monitor their efforts to ensure that this matter does not continue to grow as a public nuisance."

In addition, the company will stop distributing the product in Limestone County.  The County Commission there was preparing to file an injunction to stop the use of the product.  Since the 1901 Alabama Constitution doesn't give county commissions authority to do much of anything, including zoning and regulating manure spreading, going to court was the only option the Limestone Commissioners had.  Manure regulation: yet another reason to let the people vote on a new state constitution.".....

from:   Sludgewatch-l@list.web.net

Chase Bank and the Federal Treasury Dept. aren't going to want Asarco to be paying Billions in environmental clean-up costs... look at this:

"Posted Oct 14th 2007 10:25AM by Peter Cohan
Filed under: Citigroup Inc. (C), JPMorgan Chase (JPM), Goldman Sachs Group (GS)
Hank Paulson's got an Enron-like crisis that could swamp Citigroup (C) and JPMorgan (JPM):
The New York Times [registration required] reports that Citigroup (NYSE: C) and JPMorgan Chase (NYSE: JPM) are working with the Treasury Department to create a $75 billion fund to bail out Structured Investment Vehicles (SIV) -- of which there are thought to be $400 billion
worldwide. What are SIVs? Why do they need to be bailed out? Why is the Treasury Department getting involved? Will the bailout plan work? Why should you care?"

ASARCO Incorporated. Retained by ASARCO Incorporated in connection with an $80 million tax exempt bond offering placed by Bankers Trust Company to finance pollution control facilities at the Company’s Hayden, Arizona smelter. Counseled ASARCO on certain matters involving the Company’s $450 million Revolving Credit Agreement with J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. and several other leading banks."....."

"The deep impulse of our life in America, the ideal which is becoming a national idol enshrined in the hearts of the majority, is money," said the Rev. Samuel Schulman of Temple Bethel, New York City, in an address this evening on "Money as a Measure of Manhood" before the Knife and Fork Club of this city.[from the year 1908: 21 years before the great currency crash of 1929, and 24 years before the gold and silver confiscation act of 1933]