"Society continues to generate more waste and to change this alarming trend; strong political and industrial measures are urgently needed.
Despite what industry and governments would like people to believe, incineration is not a solution to the world’s waste problems, but part of the problem.
Incinerators may reduce the volume of solid waste, but they do not dispose of the toxic substances contained in the waste. They create the largest source of dioxins, which is one of the most toxic chemicals known to science.
Incinerators emit a wide range of pollutants in their stack gases, ashes and other residues. The filters used to clean incinerator stack gases produce solid and liquid toxic wastes, which also need to be disposed.
The only way to improve the situation is to avoid toxic waste production by improving our products and processes.
Public opposition to incineration is growing worldwide. People are recognising that there is no place for the incineration of waste in a sustainable society."
(From a Greenpeace Campaign) "
By nobody@flickr.com (Osvaldo_Zoom)
Incinerators may reduce the volume of solid waste, but they do not dispose of the toxic substances contained in the waste. They create the largest source of dioxins, which is one of the most toxic chemicals known to science. ...
Photos from Osvaldo_Zoom - http://www.flickr.com/photos/osvaldo_zoom/