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Friday, March 21, 2008

No mention of the Toxic Waste... why Not??

Letters published in the Times

"El Paso Times - El Paso,TX,USA--Juan Garza / Central El Paso"Particulates from Asarco linger

Asarco has operated an air-monitoring system in El Paso, which demonstrated that sulfur emissions carried cancer-causing metals like arsenic, cadmium, lead and zinc into the communities surrounding the smelter.

--Juan Garza / Central El Paso"

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Hmmm, what aren't they telling us about the TOXIC WASTE??

New El Paso TCEQ Regional Director's experience includes being an ARMY Platoon Leader carrying out decontamination procedures.

I hope that she remembers that she is not in the military now; and, that her marching orders ultimately come from the taxpayers/community under civil law (Honest Services provision of the mail and wire fraud act).