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Saturday, March 22, 2008

Locally grown foods and our lower valley

Our lower valley agriculture depends upon over 70 miles of irrigation canal that starts at the ASARCO plant, literally a stone's throw away from Asarco's stormwater containment ponds. That water (and the river) provides over 60% of our City's drinking water. It is also growing our local food.

How many cities allow toxic waste to be burned right on their water supply? How many communities quietly ignore toxic waste contamination on top of their drinking water? How many communities have doctors (off-the-record) tell pregnant women not to drink the water but do not take action to find out why the babies have fused skulls, missing heads, missing brains, missing livers, missing pancreas, heart defects.....???

How many people, how many communities live in the FEAR that we do, to ask questions and demand truthful answers? How many are like us, and talk only to family and friends and never never ever in the open?

Hijacked Future