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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Bankruptcy winding up - and the secret-toxic-waste never came up in the discussions --HOW DID THAT HAPPEN??

The Asarco Bankruptcy is ending; the smelter is being closed up and
"remediated", but the same people who are responsible for cleaning it up
now are the same people who concealed the secret and illegal years of
ASARCO burning poisons-for-profit (see NYTIMES story 10/2006)-- almost a
decade of such illegal and secret incineration.

The Bankruptcy court is not considering anything about that secret toxic
waste burning (identified by the EPA to the Federal DOJ in a
confidential-for-settlement-purposes-only document). When the
powers-that-be succeed in letting ASARCO off-the-hook for the secret
waste 100% then what?

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Sterlite to buy Asarco at half the offer rate

Google Alert:
Sterlite to buy Asarco at half the offer rate
Business Standard - Mumbai,Maharashtra,India
The deal is expected to be finalised in a week as the Asarco board has agreed to the offer price, sources close to the development said. ...
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