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Monday, March 9, 2009

"Officials with Grupo Mexico say they still want to take control of Asarco "

google alert:

Arizona Geology: Grupo Mexico may continue battle for Asarco
By Lee Allison
Officials with Grupo Mexico say they still want to take control of Asarco despite the signed agreement to sell the bankrupt company to Sterlite Industries. Grupo Mexico wants to see the official deal before deciding what options to ...
Arizona Geology - http://arizonageology.blogspot.com/

PEMEX sells debt (bonds) in USA as part of privitization

Google Blogs Alert for: PEMEX

Market Memorandum: Emerging Market Debt Trading Volumes Plunged 33 ...
By Guillermo Parra-Bernal
New sales of corporate debt enjoyed a quick revival at the start of this quarter, with sales by Pemex, Petrobras (which are quasi-sovereign debt but, well, they also are within the corporate bond class) and banks in South Korea. ...
Market Memorandum - http://marketmemorandum.blogspot.com/