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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

20090317 UPDATE 1-Asarco files reorganization plan March 16'th

"Google News Alert for: asarco Asarco files reorganization plan for Sterlite sale"

"Reuters - USA Tue Mar 17, 2009 12:30pm EDT By Emily Chasan

NEW YORK, March 17 (Reuters) - Bankrupt U.S. copper miner Asarco LLC has filed a new bankruptcy reorganization plan that proposes how the company will reorganize itself under a $1.7 billion deal with India's Sterlite Industries ......

Under the reorganization plan filed with the court late on Monday, Asarco said it plans to pay administrative claims, priority tax claims, priority claims, secured claims and convenience claims." [what about Toxic waste??]

"Asarco creditors holding general unsecured claims and unsecured asbestos personal injury claims will be entitled to vote on whether to accept the reorganization plan, according to court papers....

The case is In re: Asarco LLC, U.S. Bankruptcy Court, Southern District of Texas, No. 05-21207. (Editing by Andre Grenon"

Four EDTs for the destruction of chemical weapons

"The Army's ability to meet public and congressional demands to destroy expeditiously all of the U.S. declared chemical weapons would be enhanced by the selection and acquisition of appropriate explosive destruction technologies (EDTs) to augment the main technologies to be used to destroy the chemical weapons currently at the Blue Grass Army Depot (BGAD) in Kentucky and the Pueblo Chemical Depot (PCD) in Colorado. The Army is considering four EDTs for the destruction of chemical weapons: three from private sector vendors, and a fourth, Army-developed explosive destruction system (EDS)."
