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Friday, March 20, 2009

TCEQ new website admits that ASARCO contamination has reached the Rio Grande

The people from the TCEQ who posted this data deserve our support and thanks in my opinion. The bad side is that they haven't shown any data on the illegal/secret toxic waste that the EPA let us know ASARCO incinerated for years; and, they waited until the Bankruptcy is about finished.

"Surface Water Impacted by Contaminated Groundwater: Based on surface water analytical data, the contaminated groundwater appears to have reached the Rio Grande."


Fig. 2 from that website shows the area of groundwater plume.

The Canal Street water treatment plant is about 2 miles downstream from this point.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

website with Asarco remediation information

In your request and follow-up email regarding Mr. Wilkinson's files, you only requested "emails, correspondence or phone logs" on the specified subjects.  By replying that Mr. Wilkinson does not have such items on those subjects, we did not mean that he does not have any information on those matters.  For example, our previous correspondence of 3/12 referred to the remedial investigation reports (available in the regional office) that reference former pond 6, which is now repository cell #3.  Mr. Wilkinson's manager is Jason Wang (email: jwang@tceq.state.tx.us; phone: 512/239-2242).
As to notification on the state air and ore-handling permits, this notification was sent out recently by the agency.  You had also inquired about the status of permits that are still listed as active.  Several of these remain active as they are related to the remediation of the site.  However, Permit Numbers 28678, 30490, 32641, 33100, 37039, 37353 are permits by rule that are associated with the previously voided permits and thus, are also void.  TCEQ records will be updated to reflect this status.
On a final note, we had previously mentioned that we were planning on having a website with information on the ASARCO remediation.  The site is now live and the address is: http://www.tceq.state.tx.us/remediation/sites/asarco.html.
Michael S. Chamberlain, J.D.
Legal Assistant

Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
Office of Legal Services
General Law Division, MC-173
P.O. Box 13087
Austin, Texas  78711-3087
Fax: 512-239-0606