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Thursday, April 9, 2009

DOJ's new OPR Ms. Brown

"Previous to her work at the Department, Brown was a litigation associate at the Washington, D.C. office of Dickstein, Shapiro & Morin (now Dickstein Shapiro) from 1984 to 1989."  see:

Her old law firm  is connected to John B. Breaux through the CSX railroad (he is a director since 2005), and (now retired) Senator Breaux shows a relationship to Asarco-- through the lobby firm of Patton Boggs LLP  (Breaux was a special advisor)

[Carlyle Group. Recall that in 2002, it purchased the International CSX Lines Division for $300 million, see http://www.utulocal1548.org/UP_s_Intentions.doc]


S&P warns liquidity problems ahead for Grupo Mexico

Mineweb - BASE METALS - S&P warns of liquidity problems for Grupo ...
A multi-billion court decision finding Grupo Mexico and its subsidiaries culpable in the fraudulent transfer of millions of shares which helped send Asarco into bankruptcy could hurt the companies' financial future. ...
Mineweb - Daily news headlines - http://www.mineweb.com/