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Monday, May 25, 2009

May 26'th hearing ASARCO bankruptcy court

Grupo Mexico: proposed Asarco reorganization debt load concerns S&P
"Mineweb - London,England,UK
S&P is afraid the $1.3 billion-plus offer of Grupo Mexico and Americas Mining Corp. to reorganize Asarco could have a significant near-term effect on the ..."
Google News Alert for: asarco

"...On May 15th, AMC proposed to contribute $1.3 billion to fund the Asarco asbestos trust to be established under the proposed reorganization plan. The company also committed to an additional $250 million contribution in a year in return for new equity interests to be issued for the reorganized Asarco. ....
A hearing is scheduled before a Texas federal bankruptcy court on May 26th to consider both AMC's offer and  the Sterlite Industries offer to fund Asarco's reorganization by buying Asarco's assets for $1.1 billion in cash and a $600 million nine-year noninterest-bearing promissory note...."

Sunday, May 24, 2009

?Our new EPA?

"Following the news that EPA would let 42 mountaintop mining operations proceed in Appalachia, protesters took to three West Virginia mining sites on Saturday, chaining themselves to giant coal trucks, draping a sign on a coal sludge pond, and taking a public stand against a practice that is threatening their homes and devastating their mountains."

"“They left a banner on top of 7 billion gallons of toxic waste and they got charged with littering,” Noerpel said."
