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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

"...hearing would continue through Aug. 14 and carry over to Aug. 17-19 if required..."

Google News Alert for: asarco
August hearing set to decide Asarco's fate
"Arizona Daily Star - Tucson,AZ,USA
The confirmation hearing to approve one of the three competing reorganization plans for Tucson-based copper producer Asarco LLC will begin Aug. ..."

Monday, June 15, 2009

ASARCO AG ((Asarco SA) (Asarco Inc)) Registered AUGUST 31 1998



The following is excerpted from the above links:
26 4.9.2006 Commercial Register
Asarco AG, in Zürich, CH-020.3.901.838-1, Finanzgeschäfte, Aktiengesellschaft (SHAB Nr. 167 vom 31. 08. 1998, S. 5999).
New address: Usteristrasse 11, 8001 Zürich.
Issue Nr. 23523 of 29.08.2006 (3532938 / CH02039018381)
SOGC publication (PDF-File)
100 31.8.1998 Commercial Register
Asarco AG, in Zürich , Finanzgeschäfte, Aktiengesellschaft (SHAB Nr. 141 vom 25. 07. 1997, S. 5311).
People deleted or signatures revoked: Beltracchi, Angela, von Basel, in Oberengstringen, Mitglied, mit Einzelunterschrift.
Peoples registration new or modified: Haberthür, Urs, von Breitenbach, in Oberengstringen, Mitglied, mit Einzelunterschrift.
(Federal DOJ Michael Goodstein's letter sending EPA confidential settlement document was July 31 1998)