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Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Harbinger backs out to let Grupo Mexico take on Sterlite....

"A unit of hedge fund Harbinger Capital Partners said its plan to restructure Tucson-based copper miner Asarco LLC should be set aside while
.....a confirmation hearing is held on the other two plans. Only if neither of those is approved should Harbinger's plan be put forth for confirmation, according to the filing in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Corpus Christi, Texas."


East Helena fails to ask about the illegal and secret Toxic-wastes?? (these went to Helena, too!)

"Google News Alert for: asarco

Share your East Helena smelter history, photos
Helena Independent Record
By Independent Record - 08/04/09 As Asarco moves forward with the planned demolition of the three historic smoke stacks, the Independent Record wants to ...
See all stories on this topic"