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Monday, September 7, 2009

puerto de guaymas and Arizona rail route : What you aren't being told in the Paso del Norte

The Ferromex line [yellow] travels to Nogales and Naco. The dark blue line is the UP Railroad (east-west) Sunset Line. UP Railroad is the one that presently goes through the ASARCO contaminated site in El Paso Texas, and that uses crushed slag for ballast on its rails as far away as at least Alpine. UP is presently continuing on its plans for a fuel tank farm and intermodal loading/offloading ramp at the Santa Teresa Airport -- within the 15 mile zone of contamination from the ASARCO stacks....

"It was published in the Official Newspaper of the federation, the Rules of General Character in the matter of Foreign trade 2009, where the multimodal runner Guaymas-Mexicali gets up itself officially. Day 29 of April of this year, left published in the Official Newspaper of the federation, the Rules of General Character in the matter of Foreign trade 2009, where the multimodal runner Guaymas-Mexicali within the Agreement of Agreement for the Development of Multimodal Runners of the country gets up itself officially, supported in article 131 of the Customs Law, will be able to be promoted the international transit by railroad between the customs of Guaymas and running present Mexicali.El multimodal Guaymas-Arizona during the period of January-December of the 2008 registered a movement of 220.000 tons of merchandise in traffic of international transit, which is equivalent to a 206% of increase with respect to previous the immediate year."
(babelfish online translation) http://www.puertodeguaymas.com/noticias/12-notas-del-puerto/96-nuevo-corredor-multimodal-guaymas-mexicali- (see map above, from this weblink)

"In late 2008, the Puerto de Guaymas announced its plan to construct a new container terminal with capacity to handle more than 100 thousand container a year. The terminal will focus on traffic with the US’s southwestern markets and regional markets in Mexico."

Arcelor Mittal (Mexico plant) is providing the steel. This is the company that bought the Border Steel tiny plant just north of El Paso TX, about 30 miles away -- which may still put it in the contamination zone from Asarco.

"ARCELOR MITTAL starts operations on Puerto de Guaymas "

"Starting from the 7:00 hrs. of the day Monday 17 of November beginning the shipment of approximately 60 thousand tons of iron mineral for el Puerto de Guyamas, starting the beginning of operations of the new terminal of the company hurries this way number 1 in the world, Arcelor Mittal whose investment in the port enclosure of Guaymas reaches the 18 million dollars since in the construction of an installation of first level is totally automated as for reception and material shipment to ship cellar what will be able to assist crafts in so single three days of service..."

Arcelor Mittal is the company that bought the tiny "Border Steel" plant just up Inter-State Highway I10 from El Paso, TX.  Arcelor Mittal has a bad environmental-reputation.
