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Monday, September 14, 2009

ASARCO Swiss Bank

In 2006 a woman with the same last name as the man in charge of a Swiss Bank named "ASARCO" bought a Chicago Highland Park property for around 1/2 million dollars. This property is now being offered for sale after Mikhail Katamanin recently entered into bankruptcy after an offshore company sued him.   Search "Mikhail Katamanin" in the blog search engine to see gambling and additional information.
"1380 S Lincoln Avenue, Highland Park, Ill 60035  Owner: Lena Katamanin
Offered for Sale: $980,000 + AGENT: Elena Maliavina
sales history (2001-present)

$496,000 on June 30, 2006
B: Lena Katamanin
S: Ag Asarco"

"Appeals court blocks BLM-Asarco land swap" (lawsuit brought by Cntr for Biol. Diversity, Sierra Club and Western Land Project)

(AP) "By BOB CHRISTIE (AP) – 1 hour ago

PHOENIX —....The ruling in the lawsuit filed by three environmental groups in 2001 overturns a lower court decision backing the exchange long sought by Asarco....It ruled that federal environmental laws required the BLM to compare in detail the likely environmental consequences that would occur with and without a land swap.

"The BLM has not done this. Indeed, it has not even attempted to do this," Circuit Judge William A. Fletcher wrote."
