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Thursday, September 17, 2009

April 09 Pentagon Knowingly Exposed U.S. Soldiers To Toxic Waste: Leaked Memo [THE ASARCO EPA/DOJ/TCEQ EL PASO HEARING WAS MAY 11 - one month later...]

"Pentagon Knowingly Exposed U.S. Soldiers To Toxic Waste: Leaked Memo

Huffington Post   |  Stuart Whatley   |   April 10, 2009

The Pentagon allegedly endangered U.S. soldiers by implementing and covering-up dangerously toxic waste-incineration [... very much sounds like ASARCO EL PASO, which incinerated secret illegal industrial and military wastes for almost ten years...]  practices at Balad Airbase in Iraq during years past, as revealed in a leaked Air Force memo [PDF]...."

Soldiers report: "chronic bronchitis, asthma, sleep apnea, chronic coughs and allergy-like symptoms. Several also have cited heart problems, lymphoma and leukemia." [DOES THIS SOUND LIKE ASARCO EL PASO?]

"The story then goes on to discuss a Pentagon report titled "Just the Facts" which, given the now-leaked memo, reeks of obfuscation. According to Army Times, "Just the Facts" admits the "occasional presence" of possibly harmful toxins but then attempts to write-off the cancerous Balad Airbase miasma as harmless..."

[We are assured in El Paso around ASARCO that having the highest radioactive BETA readings in the U.S.A. winter of '98 just before the smelter closed was "harmless"]


Monday, September 14, 2009

City of El Paso - will they approve 1 million $ contract to SAIC (high-clearance Government-contractor-company under investigation for fraud; and company that did ASARCO testing)

for more on "SAIC" do a search in the blog search-engine


WHEREAS, El Paso City Council by motion on March 25, 2008 awarded Solicitation
No. 2008-010R for a total amount of $846,545.57 to Consultant for services to prepare a
Regional Growth Management Plan (the “RGMP”) and on even date the City Manager entered
into a Professional Services Contract with Consultant for said services (the “Contract”); and
WHEREAS, on April 14, 2009, the CITY and CONSULTANT first amended the
Contract to provide for additional public outreach services and increased the total amount of the
Contract to $882, 399.32; and
WHEREAS, CITY and CONSULTANT now desire to amend the Contract to provide
for additional services related to presentation and housing analysis activities, to increase the
contract award for payment of said additional services by $156,777.19 resulting in a total
contract award amount of $1,039,176.51, and to extend the overall period of performance and
receipt of project deliverables, as specified herein.....
2. CONSULTANT will prepare and deliver oral presentations of the
major findings of the Regional Growth Management Plan to the City Manager
selected staff, to the City Council, and to the Mayor and selected personnel. The
presentation will include both physical and electronic versions of the presentation.
These presentations will be provided during the same week as the El Paso Housing
Forum II."