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Sunday, April 4, 2010

Discharging where?

"The Texas Custodial Trust, in compliance with the storm water discharge permit at the former Asarco Smelter in El Paso, will begin discharging storm water from it’s storage ponds effective Friday, February 19, 2010. The ponds were analyzed and compared to the daily maximum effluent limitations prescribed in the permit for compliance purposes. Click here to view the analysis results."

Thursday, March 18, 2010

ASARCO: Fifth Circuit fails to recognize ASARCO's Bankruptcy was fraudulent... what is being covered up, and why?

CHICAGO - (Business Wire) Mayer Brown LLP today announced that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit has vacated a multi-billion dollar judgment entered against Americas Mining Corporation (“AMC”) in litigation over a 2003 transfer of Southern Copper Company stock to AMC from AMC’s subsidiary, ASARCO LLC. AMC had asked the court of appeals to vacate the adverse judgment and dismiss its appeal of the judgment because ASARCO LLC has emerged from bankruptcy pursuant to a reorganization plan that released AMC from the judgment and returned control of ASARCO LLC to AMC. In a March 17, 2010 order, the court of appeals dismissed AMC’s appeal and vacated the judgment against AMC.