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Friday, July 23, 2010

Big Surprise (not!) "Grupo Mexico plans to unite Southern Copper, Asarco"

google alert:
Grupo Mexico plans to unite Southern Copper, Asarco
Packaging Asarco with Grupo Mexico's other mining assets in a publicly listed company sheds the first light on the value of Asarco after its bankruptcy saga ..."

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Asarco Tacoma plume area impacted over 200 square miles: WHAT ABOUT ASARCO EL PASO??

"...Washington Department of Ecology is planning the next phase of arsenic and lead cleanup associated with a century of operations at the former Asarco smelter in Ruston.... These properties are within a 200 square-mile geographic “service area” that includes the most highly contaminated portions of the Tacoma Smelter Plume....."

"...Ecology will clean up ...areas with results that average above those cleanup levels or that have a reading of 40 parts ppm arsenic or 500 ppm for lead in one location...."
