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Friday, July 23, 2010

Asarco El Paso three years ago.... railroads

"Out in the West Texas Town of El Paso" from May 16th, 2007, THE TEXAS OBSERVER

"...[Rep. Joe] Pickett speculated that [Senator Eliot] Shapleigh’s efforts to block El Paso County [TX] from building or acquiring a tolled railroad bridge [SB 893] was designed to help developers in neighboring New Mexico. 'If you were applying for a presidential permit or talking to the federal folks about where to do a bridge, it would seem to me it would help your cause in New Mexico if there was some statute or some language that said it couldn’t be done in El Paso County...To have something like this is very suspect.

Verde Corporate Realty Services, established by El Paso billionare Bill Sanders, owns approximately 20,000 acres adjacent to New Mexico’s Santa Teresa Port of Entry, which is about a 30-minute drive from downtown El Paso. "

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Santa Teresa Port of Entry is less than ten miles from the ASARCO El Paso stacks/site (Tacoma WA Asarco contamination zone went out 200 square miles or more).   For more information use keyword search in blog for "Punta Colonet", "Ferromex", "railroad", "Foxcon".

For more about Asarco Grupo Mexico's railroad, read this

"Out in the West Texas Town of El Paso" from May 16th, 2007, THE TEXAS OBSERVER

"There’s a been a lot of talk of relocating rail lines to Santa Teresa, which would obviously benefit Sanders’ business parks. One 2003 study, which was prepared for the city of El Paso, recommended moving many regional urban rail facilities to Santa Teresa, including the Union Pacific and Burlington Northern Santa Fe’s rail yards in El Paso, as well as the Ferromex rail lines in Juárez.
In addition, Union Pacific Corp’s planning a $150 million terminal just four miles west of Santa Teresa that may process as many as 100,000 container units per year, according to news reports."

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