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Monday, August 9, 2010

Incorrect Asarco Bankruptcy Powerpoint for U.S. EPA HQ, OECA/OSRE,Superfund Symposium,Indianapolis, Indiana,August 10-12, 2010

To:  Mr. Elliott J. Gilberg, Director Wa. D.C. EPA Office of Site Remediation and Enforcement
Fr:   El Paso TX
sb:  Asarco Bankruptcy Powerpoint for U.S. EPA HQ, OECA/OSRE,Superfund Symposium,Indianapolis, Indiana,August 10-12, 2010

Mr. Gilberg,

Your powerpoint leaves out the EPA-DOJ Asarco Confidential-for-Settlement-Purposes-only document in which the EPA proved ASARCO illegally burned secret (unmanifested) hazardous-wastes deliberately for profit for nearly ten years here in El Paso TX and also E. Helena  MT.

I would like to know why you did not let conference attendees know about this massive almost-decade-long burning of illegal wastes from both military and industrial sources - this proof was released by the DOJ in 2006 (see NYTIMES 10/2006) and now is in the public domain after eight years of secrecy.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

ASARCO Bondholder Citigroup's head of Latin America team handled CEMEX acquisition of RMC and a 1.1 Billion$ offer for Grupo Mexico S.Peru Corp.

Link to Warton Finance Document 2005

"John Boord heads Citigroup Global Markets' Latin America Investment Banking
team....The Citigroup Latin America Investment Banking
team has recently been involved in a number of high-profile transactions
- advising Cemex on the acquisition of RMC Group PLC in Europe,....and a $1.1 billion
offering for Southern Peru Copper scheduled to come to market next week."