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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Asphalt Cap at Asarco El Paso TX more than a foot thick next to storm ponds

[click on image to zoom] This image is from

"Malcolm Pirnie responsible for IDENTIFYING ANY DATA GAPS" at the Asarco El Paso site...

"On May 20th [2010] the Site Trustee selected Malcolm Pirnie (www.pirnie.com) as the Environmental Engineering Consultant. Malcolm Pirnie has a high-level of experience successfully completing similar complex remediation jobs in Texas. The initial tasks of the consultant will be to: create an updated Site safety plan, analyze past site data and identify any data gaps and participate in the City’s upcoming charrette process."

Malcolm Pirnie is represented locally by a senior Project Manager and El Paso City School Board Trustee, David Dodge.  Mr. Dodge's resume, online at recastingthesmelter states that he is a member of the Paso del Norte Group.