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Monday, January 17, 2011

Asarco El Paso TX Clean-up Trustee and contractors proceeding with demolition while not disclosing what Asarco did

Why do our EPA investigators, our TCEQ Commissioners, our Federal DOJ Attorneys continue to look the other way and allow the Trustee to tear down these structures and sell/dispose of these, without telling any of us what illegal and secret hazardous wastes remain?  

What happened here, in El Paso Texas from the years of Asarco burning illegal hazardous wastes for YEARS and YEARS SECRETLY for (in the EPA's words to the DOJ) to make money --- what happened here that was so so very bad that even today over 12 years later, the powers that be are afraid to tell the public the details of what Asarco had done?

Rep. Reyes, chair of the House Intelligence committee, said that Asarco paid millions on the condition that details of what it had done would never become public.

Despite legal notification, the Federal DOJ Asarco Bankruptcy Trustee allowed the Asarco Bankruptcy court to continue to hide those details.

Despite a NYTimes front page article and a DOJ Attorney releasing the Secret DOJ-EPA Confidential for Settlement purposes only 72 page document detailing what ASARCO had done, over five years later the Paso del Norte community has not been given the details of what contamination remains here from what ASARCO did.

The Asarco El Paso site Trustee writes on their website:  "Dear Stakeholders, The Trust has been extremely busy working at the Former ASARCO Smelter Site to ensure a safe demolition and thorough investigation/remediation process. Current major activities include:  Removing the Contop/Reverb structure to ascertain the presence of valuable matte and concentrate materials,"

Why hasn't the Trustee allowed sampling of this structure by independent community groups - or even (free!)  RADON sampling inside the buildings?  What on earth is the Trustee afraid of?

The International JAC (La Paz Accord) committee passed a resolution recommending that background contamination data be gathered --- and THIS RESOLUTION WAS THEN IGNORED.


Friday, January 14, 2011

ASARCO "The Department of Justice owes the public an explanation"

"However, a powerful Senator did not hesitate to comment on the matter. “The Department of Justice owes the public an explanation for why there have been no criminal prosecutions despite the SEC openly making accusations of a witness being bought off,” Senator Charles Grassley of Iowa told POGO. Grassley is slated to be the top Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee, which oversees the DOJ." [12-10 quote regarding " major case involving Pequot Capital Management, once the world’s largest hedge fund, and alleged insider trading in shares of Microsoft"]

And, why has the DOJ not held the DOJ BANKRUPTCY Trustee for the ASARCO case accountable for failing to make the Asarco Bankruptcy court(s) consider the secret-illegal hazardous wastes that the DOJ and EPA discovered were incinerated for nearly ten years by Asarco in at least two smelters?!

How many "Confidential for settlement purposes only" documents are out there between the EPA and DOJ like the 1998 "confidential for settlement purposes only [72 pp] DOJ-EPA Asarco document" ?  How much information is being kept "secret" from affected-communities via these "confidential settlements" ?   Chair of the House Intelligence Committee, Rep. Reyes said that Asarco paid MILLIONS on the condition that the details of what it had done would NEVER BECOME PUBLIC.