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Sunday, August 14, 2011

"Report of PCBs at ASARCO disputed" The Asarco dilemma makes the news in Encycle-Asarco Corpus Christi TX and at Asarco site in El Paso TX

In El Paso TX:
Report of PCBs at Asarco disputed
Commodity futures news: Report of PCBs at Asarco disputed, updated 2011-08-13 05:26:15. Watch for more news articles, provided throughout the day courtesy ...

Additional Information:

  • Aroclor 1268 (heaviest of the PCB's) was also recently found at ENCYCLE-Asarco in Corpus Christi, TX.  This is not a common PCB and is a signature PCB for the Linden Chemicals and Plastics (LCP) EPA-Superfund-site in Brunswick, Georgia.  Aroclor 1268 " is a recognized developmental toxicant and exposure to it has the potential to negatively affect a developing baby." (see symptoms of Developmental toxicity -- Aroclor 1268 )
  • EPA and the Federal Dept. of Justice admitted in a 1998-confidential-for-settlement-purposes only 73 page document (uncovered/released to public domain by a schoolteacher and then covered 10/2006 by  NYTIMES) that Asarco had been running an unpermitted illegal (and secret) multi-state hazardous waste disposal operation for profit from at least 1992 through 1998 --- that the wastes first went to ENCYCLE-Asarco in Corpus Christi TX and then were shipped on to at least Asarco's smelters in El Paso TX and E. Helena, MT.  God only knows what terrible chemicals remain on those sites.  The communities have been demanding full disclosure from the EPA for years.
  • The Asarco Bankruptcy Court did not hold Asarco accountable for *any* of the illegal/secret haz-wastes disposed of between 1992 and 1998 even though the Sunland Park Grassroots Environmental Group (SPGEG) legally notified the DOJ Bankruptcy Trustee during the hearings that Asarco had handled massive amounts of these undisclosed chemicals and would have liability from such. Rep. Reyes said to the El Paso Times in 2006 that "Asarco had paid millions of dollars on the condition that the details of what it had done would never become public".

Monday, August 1, 2011

Nero Fiddle's, While Rome Burns: Grupo Mexico mining subsidiaries (including ASARCO) making lots of money as the children in Paso del Norte endure paltry 52 million for 110-yr-old-smelter's Clean-up

"google alert:
Grupo Mexico reports mixed bag of metals production in 2Q, 1H
Grupo Mexico says its mining subsidiaries-Asarco and Southern Copper Corp.--have already been paying a windfall mining tax over the past decade as metals prices soared. Grupo Mexico reported its mining division increased production by 39% during the ...
See all stories on this topic »
Children in the Paso del Norte endure arsenic, lead, cadmium and still undeclared-illegally-disposed-hazardous-wastes from the now-closed ASARCO site as ASARCO (Grupo Mexico) makes record profits.    ASARCO was never made to face the liabilities from nearly ten years of illegal waste disposal at the ASARCO El Paso site (1992-1998) and we have never been told why.

Despite many years of asking for full disclosure of the chemicals left here from Asarco's illegal "sham recycling" operation -- we have never received the chemical disclosure.   We do know that Asarco handled PCB's, and Radioactive wastes.  The dioxin levels have to be high.  So why this continued silence?

Why was ASARCO allowed to get away with disclosing these liabilities in our court bankruptcy system?