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Friday, April 12, 2013

enticing children to view ASARCO STACKS demolition from near La Calvera (Trustee had offered to put those folks up in hotels that day)

Is it really true that there are jumping balloons being set up off of the Asarco stacks demolition dignitary viewing site on Executive drive?

Who is doing this --- enticing children to be within the one mile range of the site, near the demolition, when their body size to surface ratio is so great, and arsenic is absorbed (particularly arsenate) into their skin, lungs, their mouths/hands from the playing in the balloon --- and we and the Trustee know as FACT that arsenic exposure is dangerous, and for children it can cause M.S. when they grow up (Messita school study).  They are also claiming to be taking down the lead smelter.

I cannot believe that the demolition teams/contractors/trust would encourage children to view this like that.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Trustee hedging the truth?

Fugitive Dusts at Sunland Park and current Asarco demolition schedule
(email correspondence)

Roberto Puga
8:34 AM (2 hours ago)

Dear Ms. McMurray,

Thank you once again for your interest in the ASARCO project.

As is explained in detail on our website (here: http://www.recastingthesmelter.com/?page_id=86 ) the Trust has implemented an array of dust control measures to minimize the dust from the demolition.  Additionally, we have collected core samples from the stacks that show that the constituents of the stack concrete do not pose a danger.

The demolition plan has been prepared has been reviewed and accepted by both EPA and TCEQ (please see news article quoting TCEQ and EPA here: http://www.elpasotimes.com/news/ci_22999917/prep-work-finished-demolition-at-asarco?IADID=Search-www.elpasotimes.com-www.elpasotimes.com ).

We have assembled a world class team of contractors to perform the demolition, who have decades of experience on high profile projects such as the ASARCO site.  We are confident we have done all we can to perform the demolition in as safe a manner as possible.


Roberto Puga, P.G.
T:(714) 388-1802

Dear Mr Puga,
You still did not answer my question about face masks and ratings.

" Additionally, we have collected core samples from the stacks that show that the constituents of the stack concrete do not pose a danger."

That is impossible that the constituents so not pose a danger.   Why do you persist in saying that to the public?

We have enough peer reviewed published research to show that what you are doing --- and in the windy season -- is dangerous to public health; and, possibly up to 4 months after the event.

East Helena MT TV station recently replayed the footage of their stack demolitions ---- done by the same firm (Dykon, hired by you and Brandenburg) and there is a huge amount of dust just from that.

project Navigator will be breaking up the pieces of asbestos containing concrete from our stacks to manually pull out the rebar.

You should not have scheduled this demolition (see KVIA's recent weather interview about our spring storms)  during the time of our spring storms because of fugitive dusts.

Hmcmurray, ms biology

ps. followed up with personal phone call.  Trustee insists that they found no asbestos in the concrete. (there are several ways to test and several kinds of asbestos -- some tests will not show it). Said that workers will be breaking up the concrete, shaking it off the rebar to recover this metal, and that the workers will be wet, since they are working under dust control (water) protocol.  He said that they did not incinerate any samples when testing for radiation.  He would not comment on his incorrect comment to the public stating that slag is safe.  He would not give me an official chain of custody sample of the stack concrete -- absolutely refused.  Would not comment on him, the epa, the tceq absolutely refusing to give us an official chain of custody sample from the water distillation unit's slag (from its fire) that was rated to remove radioactive wastes.  Would not comment on the FACT that Asarco and two other companies caught sending illegal stuff to asarco (MASSIVE quantities) were US Dept. of Energy high level radioactive waste disposal  contractors and we were never told.  ever.  Would not comment on the hafnium data (found in nuclear control rods).
I thanked him for covering the american canal (our drinking water) for the demolition.   I hope that before the road closures citizens go out and get photos.

p.p.s.  Trustee lied by omission and did not explain that they covered only a partial section of the american canal in the IBWC area, and they did not cover (as of thursday) ANY of the drinking water flowing past asarco's stacks between Paisano and Asarco, in an open canal.   By the way, where will all that 500,000 gallons of jet-propelled water drain to?  Can the Asarco contrainment ponds contain this?  Rubber Lakes was never officially repaired after being shored up after the 2006 collapse of the side of it.  All that ran off into our drinking water at the entrance of Asarco.....