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Saturday, August 4, 2007

Asarco Bankruptcy decision delayed until November 12, 2007

Asarco extension to file reorganization plan

Published on Friday, August 03, 2007

Bankrupt copper miner Asarco has been given an extension until Nov. 12 to finish resolving environmental issues dating back to 1983 and file a reorganization plan.

"The extension of exclusivity will allow Asarco time to complete its remaining restructuring efforts and continue what has thus far been constructive discussions with its constituent groups about various alternatives for emergence from Chapter 11," Joseph Lapinsky, CEO of Asarco, said in a statement.

Asarco is headquartered at 1150 N. Seventh Ave. It filed for bankruptcy protection in Corpus Christi, Texas, in 2005.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Pearson Forum morning of Aug-4: Superintent Garcia, EPISD

ask why EPISD hired Asarco's P.R. contact, Montoya, to do EPISD media? 

The Ray Pearson Forum
El Paso ’s Longest Running Forum
214 W Franklin
El Paso , TX  79924
Channel 15 Time Warner Cable
Sundays at 7PM also available at

This week the Superintendent for the EPISD Dr. Lorenzo Garcia will be our special
guest.   Come prepared with questions or e-mail them to me ahead of time and I will be happy to ask them for  you. 
Stay well and I hope to see you there,
joe oliva