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Thursday, May 8, 2008

Infant formula should not be mixed using fluoridated drinking water

"A study released in February by the Collaborative on Health and the Environments Learning and Development Disabilities Initiative found excessive ingestion of fluoride can decrease thyroid hormone levels. It also cited a recent Chinese study that links lower IQ levels in children with fluoridated drinking water.

In 2006, the National Academy of Sciences found the Environmental Protection Agency's maximum standard for fluoride of 4 milligrams per liter could cause health problems such as dental fluorosis and weakened bones over a lifetime of consumption.

The EPA's Headquarters Professionals Union, made up of scientists, lawyers and other professionals, also now opposes community fluoridation.

In January, the New York State Dental Journal reported fluoride overexposure is resulting in children developing tooth disorders including white spots, brownish discoloration and pitting. It also warned children 6 months to 3 years should consume no more than ¼ of a gram of fluoride per day – the equivalent of one 8 ounce glass of water in a fluoridated community.

And, despite the CDC's conclusion that fluoridation is one of the greatest medical achievements of the 20th century, it recommends infant formulas should never be mixed with fluoridated water.

"The early studies that purported to show ingested fluoride reduced tooth decay were seriously flawed," says Dr. Paul Connett, emeritus professor of environmental chemistry at St. Lawrence University in Canton, N.Y., and executive director of Fluoride Action Network. "There is no significant difference in tooth decay between fluoridated and non-fluoridated industrialized countries. The vast majority of countries are not fluoridated."

Indeed, opposition to the kind of widespread fluoridation American communities launched in the 1960s is becoming an international movement.

"The days of wholesale deliberate fluoridation … are numbered," said Warren Bell, former head of the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment."


Saturday, April 19, 2008

When oh when will they talk about the Toxic Waste?

Seems like everything is coming up in the news these days.
- Asarco's Bankruptcy Court case.
- Refineries, pollution, cost of Oil
- OSHA investigation of Asarco related 1990 letter and lung capacity of Mexican Americans
- Hayden AZ
- Arsenic levels
- The EPA saying that the TCEQ didn't do its job
- NMED saying that the TCEQ didn't do its job

But nothing about the unknown toxic wastes in our water from the secret illegal years of toxic waste handling/burning.

Nothing about the unknown toxic wastes in our soils and resuspended-into-the-air from those years and years of illegal secret toxic waste handling and burning.



A deafening silence.

- Martin Luther King wisely said: "There comes a time when silence becomes betrayal". It is a betrayal of our children, our schools, our parks, our drinking water, our homes.

Speak Up, El Paso.