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Saturday, June 6, 2009

How to live on a former Asarco smelter site

ASARCO former Ruston and Tacoma smelter site --
".... the cities of Ruston and Tacoma make money from the trickle down of millionaires, the developer rides the housing bubble through the crisis, and the EPA finds a new owner to take care of the toxic cleanup. But whatever kills you after three years is your own problem, because after the property is sold it has a three-year warranty. But, they add reassuringly in their FAQ, there will be a homeowners association prepared to manage that risk for you."

Friday, June 5, 2009

1988 "Only Asarco’s El Paso smelter currently treats concentrates that are considered to have high levels of volatile impurities"

"....[1988 - four years before the ConTop installation...] contamination of the soil surrounding a smelter also is of concern. Fortunately, toxic metals are present only in very small concentrations in most domestic copper ores.  Only Asarco's El Paso smelter currently treats concentrates that are considered to have high levels of volatile impurities. The Anaconda-Butte and Asarco-Tacoma smelters used to treat such concentrates, but they closed in 1980 and 1985, respectively..."

U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, Copper: Technology and Competitiveness,
OTA-E-367 (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, September 1988).