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Thursday, October 8, 2009

Former construction mgr for Hueco Bolson toxic-waste removal plant (i.e. "Desal Plant") now slated to be IBWC commissioner

How long will the El Paso community tolerate the continued cover-up of Asarco's chemical contamination from its citizens?

The EPA said that Asarco had contaminated the international Hueco Bolson.  Fort Bliss and the EPWU then constructed the Desal Plant on military property, taking the chemical contaminants from the water and pumping these twenty miles away for deep-well-injection on military property.

The EPA and other agencies have not told us what toxic chemicals remain at ASARCO despite an honest Dept. of Justice Attorney releasing a formerly confidential-for-settlement-purposes-only EPA-DOJ Asarco report in 2006 letting the community know about Asarco's secret and illegal activities from the 1990's.  

Our TCEQ Director was replaced by a former military person whose background was clean-up of chemical weapons contamination.  Our City of El Paso new Sustainability ("Green") Director used to be in charge of the clean-up of chemical contamination from Rocky Mt. Arsenal (which sent material to Asarco El Paso TX for illegal incineration according to the EPA).  The Federal State Dept. stated that the IBWC workers are sick and cannot get independent medical care in the entire region -- but nothing has been done.

Now, our IBWC commissioner's background includes building the EPWU/military DeSal plant that removes salt and most chemical contaminants (including Asarco's) from the Heuco Bolson water:

"Drusina was construction manager for over $28 million of infrastructure construction associated with El Paso Water Utilities’ desalination plant."


APPLE Iphone

The key-maquiladora FOXCON, anchoring the planned-city being built within the ASARCO El Paso "zone-of-contamination", manufactures the APPLE Iphone.

"US Chamber Fires Back At Apple In Climate-Policy Dispute
WASHINGTON -(Dow Jones)- The head of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce on Tuesday appeared to take a jab at Apple Inc. (AAPL) and Chief Executive Steve Jobs for defecting from the business organization in a dispute over climate-change policy."