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Thursday, November 26, 2009

Senator Shapleigh's pages on TCEQ in "Grover's Tub"


We agree with the observations about the TCEQ, but the pages (sent to constituents in an email) totally miss mentioning how the EPA proved Asarco secretly burned unknown (unmanifested!) hazardous-wastes for years, for profit, during the 1990's -- and that we only found out after the Federal DOJ made a 1998 confidential-Asarco-EPA-settlement document public in 2006 -- after EIGHT YEARS of silence and secrecy!!

We ask all of our political representatives/senators to let the community know what Asarco actually did here -- and, we want to know what chemicals have been left here from those years of illegal secret-wastes incineration.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Asarco Workers Union asked to accept a short-term contract extension // The years of unmanifested secret toxic waste incineration - IGNORED

"The [ASARCO] company's Arizona and Texas mining and refining operations will finally be free from environmental liabilities that drove it into bankruptcy in 2005, said Jorge Lazalde, vice president and general counsel for Grupo Mexico subsidiary Asarco Inc. 

[CRIMINAL Disregard by the Government for the secret chemicals (from what the EPA said were military and industrial sources) secretly burned here for years.  WHERE is our Government/Justice?  Can criminals act this way so indiscriminately and get away with it?  Why is the Supreme Court going to review the honest services provision of the mail and wire fraud act this winter for the ENRON case (involving a principal bond holder ASARCO bank?).  WHY is there a SWISS Bank called ASARCO A.G. (Asarco SA, Asarco inc.)?

The EPA-Asarco-DOJ "confidential for settlement purposes only" document (NYTimes 10/06) telling us what really happened here -- IGNORED.   The secret toxic wastes from those years IGNORED.  The recommendation of the La Paz Accord JAC committee to test for these chemicals IGNORED.  The requests of the local community for split samples IGNORED.]

In an interview with The Associated Press on Tuesday, Lazalde also said the company assumed a contract that makes its 1,500 unionized workers among the best-paid in the industry and has offered to extend the deal through 2011.....The company has until mid-January to provide a contract offer, and the union has until mid-February to accept the short-term contract extension."
