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Saturday, May 14, 2011

ASARCO worker shot dead in his home by no-knock warrant-SWAT team -- and, his rifle still had the safety on

A two-tour Marine, no criminal history, working 12 hour shifts at ASARCO in Tuscon -- suddenly is dead from a no-knock warrant raid by a SWAT team who shot over 60 bullets in 7 seconds into him.   His own rifle's safety was still on.   The SWAT Team thought no one but him would be home, but he hid his wife and son in the closet when she heard strange noises outside and woke him up...

Google Alert:
The Indiana Supreme Court decision makes less sense than before.
Pajamas Media
Jose Guerena, 26, a [twenty-six year old] former Marine [with two overseas tours of duty], was sleeping after the graveyard shift at Asarco Mission mine ..."

SWAT raid that killed Arizona ASARCO worker and Marine - recorded in 911 call

"Google Alert - asarco
SWAT raid fatal drama is revealed in 911 call
Arizona Daily Star
Jose Guerena, 26, a former Marine, was sleeping after the graveyard shift at Asarco Mission mine about 9:30 am when his wife woke him saying she heard ..."