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Sunday, June 5, 2011

Asarco claiming that its historic smelter not responsible for Lead contamination (Hey El Paso Texas - doesn't this sound familiar??)

Associated Press - June 3, 2011 3:55 PM ET

"""OMAHA, Neb. (AP) - The Asarco mining company says the Environmental Protection Agency concealed records about lead contamination in Omaha that may clear the company from responsibility.Asarco filed a federal lawsuit against the EPA Friday because of new information that emerged about the source of the lead contamination found on nearly 6,000 Omaha properties.New records the agency released in response to a Union Pacific lawsuit suggest lead paint on houses, not Asarco's former lead smelter in Omaha, may have caused the contamination."....

Asarco's Omaha NE smelter shut down in 1997 just before the EPA and DOJ made the historic SECRET confidential-for-settlement-purposes-only ASARCO agreement that Rep. Reyes (Chair House Intelligence Committee) said "Asarco paid millions on the condition that the details of what it had done would never become public".    Asarco had been bringing in secret international and governmental wastes at Asarco Encycle in Corpus Christi TX (where they held the recent Asarco Bankruptcy proceedings).   The wastes were then illegally mixed and railed up to East Helena MT and El Paso TX for disposal.

Since the Omaha Asarco smelter was still running all those years - until 1997 -- is it possible that Asarco was sending secret stuff to that location also for disposal?  

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Authorities still snowballing Radioactive Isotope testing at El Paso TX, at the ASARCO industrial site

The Asarco El Paso site is being demolished as this is being written, and nothing is being done to list the actinides and radioactive isotopes that Asarco left there from its nearly ten (or more) years of secret hazardous waste incineration.   The El Paso Clean up Trustee wrote (email):

 "Asarco ...handled a wide variety materials including radioactive materials Given the scrutiny [not!] of the site from both state and federal authorities, we do not expect man-made radioisotopes, TENORM [technologically enhanced naturally-occurring radioactive material], byproducts or residues at levels above their respective natural levels.
There is no "scrutiny" of the site for radioactive isotopes!!  The Trustee and the Environmental Agencies refuse to test for these -- they are assuming that the levels were and are safe without producing the SCIENCE.  Ask them - they cannot produce *any* data to show the names of the radioactive isotopes present and their amounts.