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Friday, October 21, 2011

Globeville CO ASARCO site accepted materials from El Paso TX Asarco site during illegal-waste burning years (1991-1998)

Recent documents released by the EPA show that the Globeville CO ASARCO site accepted materials from El Paso TX/East Helena MT Asarco sites during illegal-waste burning years (1991-1998).

Have the Globeville Asarco community tested for any of those illegal materials?

 "Google Alert:
Open house planned on Asarco site Your Hub
Officials plan to discuss Globeville Asarco redevelopment at meeting.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Washington State got nearly 200 million from Asarco while El Paso TX got less than 40 million

google alert
Dept. of Ecology plan aims to clean up Tacoma Smelter Plume properties
Tacoma Daily News
In December 2009, the state of Washington obtained a $188 million bankruptcy settlement from Asarco. About $94 million is slated for the Tacoma Smelter ..."

How sad for El Paso TX that they got around 32 million dollars for cleanup of an unpermitted and illegal multi-state hazardous-waste disposal operation (ASARCO from 1991-1998) while Tacoma WA got three  times that amount. 

Doesn't pay to be a mexican-american community does it.  The surface water supply (Rio Grande) is now fully compromised by the Asarco El Paso arsenic-plume.  Paltry 32 million; and, the Federal Dept. of Justice Bankruptcy Trustee during the Bush Administration allowed this to happen by looking the other way and letting the Asarco Bankruptcy Courts totally ignore the Asarco hazardous-waste operation-liabilities.