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Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Meta a.i. and other concerns with access to historic data

 ...try asking the meta a.i. for the url to this site, or its scribd link. Or, for the asarco secret document.  

Over the years it is getting buried by SEO $$$ (i wonder by whom? /S)

In another decade the toxins will still remain, but the data will not.  EPA has already erased the FOIAs, and actually claimed that for the last that WAS saved, that they had provided no response (they had).  Despite a phone conversation and verbal cooperation, the wa d.c. federal register foia attorney refuses to open the email containing photos of the response letter and its six dvds of searchable data.  The epa  database remains incorrect.  This is how they trash the data over time imho. 

In reply to recastingthesmelter statements that they are being transparent




"The cleanup trustee and its attorney state that they have not hidden anything. Yet, they admitted that in reviewing all asarco invoices that they left out the invoices listed in the now public "1998 73-page u.s.

doj epa asarco confidential for settlement purposes only document " (withheld from public until 2006). The trustee and its attorney always refer to chemicals of concern, which do NOT include the illegal toxic wastes addressed in the 1998 document (above).  These invoices and the evidence they contain remain secret to this day. Rep Reyes told the el paso times (online edition) that asarco paid millions on the condition that the 1998 73-page us doj epa asarco confidential for settlement purposes only document would never see the light of day.  The clean up trustee and its attorney continue to ignore the contents of this" 1998 73-page us doj epa asarco confidential for settlement purposes only document" when answering ALL questions regarding the el paso asarco site. Moreover they insinuate that nothing toxic or illegal happened. BTW the epa publicly posted the beta radiation levels in el paso texas from beginning and end of 1998, declaring that these were the highest beta radiation levels in the usa that year, including oak ridge tn and hanford wa. It is mind boggling that the clean up trust denies this, when it was publicly posted information, and data from the very same year that the epa and us doj made the "1998 73-page us doj epa asarco confidential for settlement purposes only document" agreement to hide what asarco had been doing.  The community needs to know ,in all historical records, that these (secret)toxins would persist for many generations, many will offgas even thru asphalt (per a utep geologist) so that paving over site will not make it safe. People in community deserve the right to know, to have access to the still secret invoices (found in the 1998 73-page us doj epa asarco confidential for settlement purposes only document) so they may make best choices for their families.  "