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Friday, August 30, 2024

Nyc sludge -was it burned in el paso tx

 The worlds two largest contop furnaces had been installed at asarco el paso tx by 1992. The contops were designed to incinerate sludges also. The merco sludge train came thru el paso in their bright red railroad cars, and could have offloaded some of it at asarco (theoretically) because the tracks went by and through plant.    

"The New York Times

https://www.nytimes.com › nyregion

Buying an Uneasy Home For New York City Waste 

Jul 16, 1995 — Merco urgently needed to jump the line. Federal laws had banned New York from dumping its sludge at sea after July 1, 1992, and..."

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Prn news release spring 5 2007



(PRN) Sham Recycling Creates Sham Decision?

[News release paid for ($300),  written by , and submitted independently by heather mcmurray, ms biological sciences former science teacher, 5/2007]



May 8, 2007

The TCEQ Executive Director's Asarco Air Permit Renewal decision ignores hidden contamination in international waters, soils and air from secret bruning of toxic waste; What are elected officials, TCEQ and EPA concealing?

EL PASO, Texas, May 8 /PRNewswire/ -- Representative Reyes and the GAO (report) fail to investigate the specific incident that involved Asarco — instead, "will focus on the overall procedures and processes that DOD follows for disposing of hazardous waste that is created by military facilities and how the transport and disposal of this type of waste by the contractors is monitored and tracked."

At the base of the Asarco smelter, the International Boundary and Water Commission's (IBWC) American Dam diverts Rio Grande River water to over 70 miles of public drinking supply and irrigation canals. American Dam employees are sick, and the State Department Office of the Inspector General (OIG) (under hillary clinton, sec of state) recommended bringing in expert independent medical review.

The first canal travels along the Asarco ore handling staging area and chemical ponds. Representative Reyes' office calls the 9-04-06 Asarco levee collapse, spilling hundreds of thousands of gallons of poisons into this drinking water, a "minor incident." El Paso Water Utilities (EPWU) reports showed elevated poisons at the Canal Street station after the event. The EPWU Canal St. plant pumps water up the Franklin Mt. and distributes it throughout El Paso.

IBWC data shows leakage of 24 million dollars worth of Asarco groundwater contamination into the canal, near where Asarco Hydrometrics consultants found groundwater arsenic levels at 35,000 times the legal limit. Alluvial sediment beneath the Rio Grande is filled with faultlines above the [now poisoned] international Hueco Bolson aquifer.

EPA Water officials cannot find any data for Rio Grande water tests at the smelter meant to confirm EPA data taken five years earlier, even though EPA mentioned the testing on public radio. πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”

Asarco is sending poisons from the bottom of its ponds to TX US Ecology, the company that also manages Hanford Reservation Nuclear Waste in Washington State. A complete chemical analysis of these poisons has not been made available despite requests. [ Actinides, alpha particles?]

The El Paso GTLO, SPEG (Sunland Park Environmental Group), El Paso Sierra Club members and concerned groups want the Asarco Contamination exposed, the responsible officials to "step down," and correct clean-up to begin.

    Contact Information:

    Heather McMurray

   " El Paso Get the Lead Out" [(hmcmurray subgroup, not old get  the lead out)]

    Sunland Park Grassroots Environmental Group

    Members of the El Paso Regional Group of the Sierra Club

    heamc [at]earthlink.net [old]

    (915) 539-3388 [old]

This release was issued through eReleases(TM). For more information, visit http://www.ereleases.com.

May 8, 2007