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Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Asarco water permits TXR15BN67, TXR05P461

2007-April: Per your request of ASARCO Inc. El Paso, there is no combined storm-wastewater permit. There was however a Texas Land Application Permit ( TLAP ) Number WQ0002321000 for a facility named Asarco located at 2401 West Paisano, southeast of the intersection of Executive ParkRoad and US Highway 80A, in El Paso. This permit expired on September 1,2000. We do not have any records that show they have a pending renewal. Asarco currently has two Storm Water Permits,
TXR15BN67 and TXR05P461.....
A storm water general permit is issued for a five-year term. and currently all of our storm water general permits are state-wide. A public comment period is provided during the development of a general permit, prior to issuance, and a public meeting is typically held as well. However, coverage
under an approved general permit is not subject to public comment. The TCEQ an administrative review of the notice of intent (application). An interested person does have an opportunity to file a motion to overturn (MTO) on an authorization under a general permit under the TCEQ rules at 30 TAC 5 50.139. Under this rule, an interested person has 23 days from the date we acknowledge an authorization to file an MTO. If the MTO is considered by the Commission, it will be scheduled for a Agenda meeting. For additional information on filing an MTO, I would recomend contacting the TCEQ's Office of Public Assistance.

TXR15BN67 is a construction authorization number. The NOI was acknowledged on May 30,2006. Because this was acknowledged approximately one year ago, the opportunity to file an MTO has
passed. The CGP will be renewed in early 2008; so it is possible that a renewal NO1 will be required at that time. TXR05P461 is an MSGP authorization number. The MSGP (TXR050000) was renewed in August 2006, and renewal NOIs were due by November 12,2006 (or by December 12, 2006 if submitting electronically). The TCEQ's Storm Water Processing Center is currently entering the data from the renewal NOIs, and TXR05P461 has not yet been processed. If Asarco applied for a renewal of coverage, then an MTO could be filed within 23 days of TCEQ's approval of the NOI. For an update of the status of the renewal, the interested person can contact the Storm Water Processing Center at SWPermit@tcea.state.tx.us or by phone at (512) 245-0130.
It is possible that a different permit number will be assigned for the site, so it may be beneficial to search by authorization number (TXROjP461) as well as by company name and location.

-- TCEQ Customer Information and Assistance Team Water Quality Division

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