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Tuesday, September 25, 2007

David K. doesn't get out much...

This author needs to get out more. Yesterday he reported on the Sunday Faces against Asarco by quoting others, and today he reports on the event by reporting on what the NEWS said?

ETHNICITY AND CLASS ARE NOT THE ISSUES HERE however hard he tries to "re-frame" it that way -- the toxins that Asarco, the TCEQ and EPA are hiding do not discriminate between classes or races.
The poisons affect us all.

Why is it so difficult to write about the secret EPA document that the DOJ released? It can be hard to face facts...

"September 24, 2007
Update on ASARCO story - Classes, ethiciities at war?

UPDATE: I watched the video of the event rom KFOX (http://www.kfoxtv.com/video/14186394/index.html)


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