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Sunday, August 2, 2009

Wall St. Journal Aug 1-2 p. b-1

"UbS AG and the Swiss Gov..... agreed to settle a tax-evasion probe...An official transfer of account-holder identities might not happen until after September 23 [said]...lawyer who is representing UbS clients"....

A full month after the ASARCO bankruptcy is supposed to end. What about that ASARCO A.G. Swiss bank?

The U.S. probe...is expected to expand to outside consultants that may have helped steer business to UbS or other Swiss banks"

Why won't the EPA and Federal DOJ make ASARCO's bankruptcy court consider the now public document detailing the incineration of illegal secret wastes for profit for nearly ten years??? WHAT IS being COVERED UP STILL???

The people of the Paso del Norte region would like to know.

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