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Saturday, September 12, 2009

Someone is making money... while the children of the Paso del Norte pay the costs of the Toxic pollution through Medicaid

Who is making the money?   The same people who don't want the "asarco secret document" known?  The people who want to develop the Asarco El Paso site without declaring the illegal and secret toxic waste ?   Grupo Mexico and Asarco must just love it when we ignore the secret illegal toxic waste.  

A retired ASARCO supervisor told me that his only regret was watching the children playing outside in the dirt in the yards near the Asarco site and his fears for their health.


"Vendata makes fresh bid for ASARCO"
"BY DAVID MCLAUGHLIN       Vedanta Resources PLC made a renewed bid to buy Asarco LLC out of bankruptcy, raising its offer to $2.56 billion ....Asarco said in court documents filed Thursday night that India-based Vedanta has agreed to pay $2.56 billion in cash to take Asarco out of bankruptcy, up from an earlier offer of about $2.29 billion.   The new offer comes after a Texas judge recommended last week that Vedanta's offer should be rejected and that Asarco's assets should go to its parent, Grupo Mexico...."

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