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Sunday, October 18, 2009

Bankruptcy Court still refusing to reveal liabilities from years of ASARCO secret toxic waste burning in El Paso TX and E. Helena MT

Why the cover-up of Asarco's years of deliberate and secret military and industrial waste incineration?  Why does this still continue!?  ("Asarco paid out millions of dollars on the condition that details of its activities would not be released to the public." - comment from Chair of the House Intelligence Committee, Rep. Reyes)

"Battle for Asarco to face key test in Texas court
Mon Oct 19, 2009 9:28am IST 

* Grupo Mexico, Asarco and Sterlite head to federal court

* Hearing to set stage for decision on Asarco deal by judge

By Jazmine Ulloa

BROWNSVILLE, Texas, Oct 19 (Reuters) - India's Sterlite Industries... and Grupo Mexico SAB de CV (GMEXICOB.MX: ...) will head to court on Monday to begin the final stage of their year-long face off for control of bankrupt U.S. copper miner Asarco."

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