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Monday, November 9, 2009

E.Helena Air safe from ASARCO stack demolition? Have they DISCLOSED THE SECRET TOXIC WASTES THEN?!

Yeah, and the EPA etc. all said that ASARCO had not burned secret hazardous wastes -- and then in 2006 a DOJ attorney released a confidential-for-settlement-purposes-only EPA document about ASARCO... and, we found out from this document (it was SEALED FOR 8 YEARS) that the EPA and DOJ had known ALL THAT TIME that Asarco El Paso and E. Helena MT had burned illegal and secret toxic wastes for profit for years...

Google News Alert for: Asarco

KFBB NewsChannel 5
Air Quality Report from ASARCO Smokestack Demolition Revealed
KFBB NewsChannel 5
By KFBB News Team It has been nearly three months since three ASARCO smokestacks were demolished in East Helena, and now results of an air quality report ...
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